Request assistance with agent
What data to provide to support for Agent execuiton errors
Last updated
What data to provide to support for Agent execuiton errors
Last updated
In order to sufficiently submit an agent for review, provide the following information.
1) Agent ID.
It can be checked in Agent Settings, at the bottom:
2) Agent JSON file.
Click on Agent Options (the vertical dots to the right of the agent selector), and select "Download".
3) Can it be fixed by agent configuration reimport?
Mention if it's a permanent or certain agent deployment-specific issue: - Does the issue happen if you make a new agent and reimport it?
4) How easy is it to reproduce?
Mention if the issue happens on each execution, or randomly.
Provide this information and JSON file of the agent to to review the error and help with the issue resolution.
5) Inputs
If there are inputs necessary to trigger the issue, provide the value of each agent input.
If the agent is executed via REST API, provide the triggering GET/POST command with full information besides your Integrail API secret.
If the agent is executed via SDK, provide a sample script used to trigger the error.
If it only happens under certain conditions, mention it. If it happens randomly or without clear pattern: - Mention your local time zone. - Take a screenshot of the error with timestamp from Agent running logs: